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A system architect in an Enterprise needs to have a comprehensive view of all Enterprise internal and external relationships and information flows. From this viewpoint, one can speak about holistic (from Greek olos, whole) architecture, meaning description of a system or part of it, but keeping into account "the whole".

If we look at the classical classification of the enterprise systems on Enterprise Support Systems (ESS), Operation Support Systems (OSS), and Business Support Systems (BSS), we see that each of these classes relates with both all other classes and external entities such as customers, providers, banks, public administration, and so on. This scenario is better referred to as Extended Enterprise. In an Extended Enterprise, some of the services and interfaces that are available in an Enterprise system must be made available also to external entities, yet maintaining acceptable levels of security, dependability and safety.

To deal with the general issue of Extended Enterprises, Lecit Consulting decided to summon the multi-year experiences of its professionals, to define a development method for IT architectures that:

  • is up to date with state of the art and state of the practice technologies
  • is complete, in the sense that it covers the whole architecture life cycle
  • is modular, because under given conditions it can provide intermediate products without the need to transverse all classical development phases
  • is iterative both among phases and inside phases

The CLAMP© methodology (Complex/Light Architectures Management Process) allows for a development style that, by keeping into account the whole aims and scope of the IT architecture, and keeping full control of all requirements in terms of their impacts, yet does not impose detailed descriptions of what is not of strict interest, so being adaptable to the development of both simple and complex architectures.

CLAMP© analysis techniques allow to evaluate how original requirements have (or, as it often do not have) influenced the development of a system, and which kind of impacts new requirements have on an existing system.

Lecit Consulting - via P.Landi 9, 56124 Pisa - Tel. +39 335 7122730 - +39 335 383559 - Info: info (at) lecitconsulting (dot) it